October 2023’s Newsletter – “My Top 5 Favorite and Hated Book to Movie Adaptations.”

Movie adaptations from books can be hit or miss.
Sometimes, it feels like we get more misses than hits.
We all have our opinions on adaptations of our favorite books. I’d like to share a few of mine with you!
My Favorite Movie Adaptations
- Lord of the Rings trilogy
Not only is this my favorite book-to-movie adaptation, it is my favorite movie ever.
Yes, I realize this is a trilogy. But how can I pick my favorite of the three? It’s like asking for my favorite book!
Naturally, some things must be changed in an adaptation. The fandom splits on the changes– for example, was leaving out Tom Bombadil the right call?
But the creators went to extremes to keep the trilogy as loyal as possible to Tolkien’s original material. They even kept the books on set to reference whenever there was a dispute. The actors fully embodied their roles, the armor and weapons were all real, and the designers put so much detail into the outfits that they had embroidery inside the costumes. I doubt a movie will be created with this level of passion again.
I could rant about how amazing this trilogy is all day. Unfortunately, I have to finish this list instead. So check out the trilogy yourself, and watch the behind the scenes to be amazed! (And watch the extended version. Trust me.)
- Hunger games
From what I remember when these movies came out, they had mixed reactions among the fandom. As always, fans nitpicked details that had been removed or changed from the source material.
I think the movies were faithful in the plot, characters, and central themes, even if details were changed. They captured the dreariness of district 12, the fear of the games, and the heartbreak Katniss experiences in the finale.
Jennifer Lawrence killed her role. In the books, Katniss doesn’t show a lot of outward emotion. We get what she’s feeling through her first person narration. The movies don’t have narration, so Jennifer Lawrence had to convey Katniss’s feelings while staying true to her closed-off personality. She succeeds by emoting through small changes in facial expression and body language.
- How to Train Your Dragon
You might not have realized there was a “How to Train Your Dragon” book. I didn’t until I researched book-to-movie adaptations. Unfortunately, that means I can’t say how fans of both will feel about the book versus the movies.
But I can say the movie is fantastic. We quickly fall in love with Hiccup and Toothless, both of whom are quirky and loveable characters. (It helps that Toothless’s mannerisms are so very cat-like!) And the music is amazing– it captures the rush of joy at the freedom of flight.
My Most Hated Movie Adaptations
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Have I ever hated a film as much as I hated this one?
No, I don’t think I have.
I love the Percy Jackson series. From its humor, to its clever and epic battles, to its characters and their personal growth, it is a fantastic series for middle grade readers and nostalgic adults alike.
This film butchered it.
Humor? Gone. Characterizations? Gone. Plot? Gone.
This was practically a new story with vague references to the original books.
And it was a terrible story at that.
- Avatar the Last Airbender
Alright, confession time: I haven’t actually seen this movie.
I don’t hate myself like that.
The original TV series was one of the best ever created. The clever worldbuilding, compelling characters, and unique magic system made for a series that was fun and exciting.
From the movie clips I’ve seen and what I’ve heard from other fans, it throws out everything that made the series special. The old characterizations, unique casting, and clever writing are gone.
I don’t intend to ever watch it, and you shouldn’t either.
- The Hobbit Series
The most painful part of these movies is that they were so close to a great story. The actors were fantastic for their roles. I actually enjoyed the first movie. We’ve seen fantastic movies adapted from Tolkien’s brilliance.
Meddling from higher-ups turned the Hobbit Series into another bland, fantasy action series stretched far too long, rather than a loyal adaptation of a beloved children’s book. If they had shortened it to 1-2 movies and stayed more faithful to the plot, it could have been great. But we’ll never get to see what could have been.
In Conclusion
Hollywood loves taking our favorite books and turning them into movies. It’s a shame so many turn out to be cash grabs with no passion for the original material.
So how do we pick out the diamonds from the coal?
I compiled a more complete list of adaptations to help you decide whether they’re worth a try. Check out my guide “Book to Movie Adaptations: Which to Avoid and Which to Enjoy.”
Thanks for reading!